• 06 – 08 October 2026
  • Exhib. Centre Düsseldorf

ALUMINIUM Conference 2022 

 On Demand

ALUMINIUM Conference

A special highlight of the ALUMINIUM 2022 was the ALUMINIUM Conference together with our main partner Aluminium Deutschland, which was integrated for the first time. The conference was held under the motto "Aluminium - the solution provider" and addressed central themes and solved questions in inspiring sessions such as: What opportunities does aluminium offer in terms of recycling and circular economy? What opportunities arise for the material in connection with the new mobility? What developments are we facing in additive and digital manufacturing? What role will aluminium play as a material for the smart and environmentally friendly cities of the future?

Day 1 - 27th of September 2022

Day 2 - 28th of September 2022

Verde Magnesium is developing the EU’s dedicated source of primary metallic Magnesium as a sustainable and integrated mining and manufacturing project in Western Romania, starting from responsible mining and continuing with advanced processing of the ores, using a modern and environmentally friendly technology to produce a very low/zero CO2 footprint metallic Magnesium.

A pilot plant is aimed to be commissioned by the end of 2023. If mining license will be obtained by the end of 2022, the 1st module of primary Mg smelter (15kt per year) will be commissioned by 2025/2026. At full capacity (90kt per year) Verde Magnesium will be able to supply up to 50% of EU Industry needs.

Verde Magnesium benefits by the support of top manufacturing groups in EU, trade houses, PE funds, research institutes and it looks to enlarge its Strategic Partners network.

Day 3 - 29th of September 2022

For many years, the aluminum industry and its suppliers have been intensively dealing with the vast opportunities of 3D printing. Alongside this, it has also had to tackle the challenges that often accompany the adoption of modern technology. Despite those, the implementation and associated further automation of production can make a decisive contribution to more efficient and cost-optimized production.

In terms of the casting industry, using SLM® technology as an add-on in production could strengthen the market position, grow revenue, profit and shareholder value. During the presentation SLM Solutions will present it on several case studies.

3D aus der Persektive eines Anlagenherstellers und Lohnfertigers.

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