Women With Metal – the ALUMINIUM Awards

Bar ohne Namen

Entschlossen verweigert sich Savage, der Bar einen Namen zu geben. Stattdessen sind drei klassische Design-Symbole das Logo der Trinkstätte in Dalston: ein gelbes Quadrat, ein rotes Viereck, ein blauer Kreis. Am meisten wurmt den sympathischen Franzosen dabei, dass es kein Gelbes-Dreieck-Emoji gibt. Das erschwert auf komische Weise die Kommunikation. Der Instagram Account lautet: a_bar_with_shapes-for_a_name und anderenorts tauchen die Begriffe ‘Savage Bar’ oder eben ‚Bauhaus Bar‘ auf.


Für den BCB bringt Savage nun sein Barkonzept mit und mixt für uns mit Unterstützung von Russian Standard Vodka an der perfekten Bar dazu.





Support and visibility for women in the industry

On March 8th, 2024, International Women's Day, the organizer of the ALUMINIUM World Trade Fair, RX, announces the "Women With Metal – ALUMINIUM Awards", which will be presented for the first time as part of this year's fair. The awards ceremony will be organised and hosted in cooperation with Women With Metal, the UK Aluminium Federation (ALFED) and Aluminium International Today on the second day of the trade fair, October 9th.

The awards intend to promote equality and diversity in the aluminium industry, recognise outstanding achievements by women and strengthen their position within the sector. They will also acknowledge the efforts of male colleagues who have demonstrated extraordinary support for their female counterparts, serving as allies in the pursuit of gender equality.

Women can do aluminium, too!

The ALUMINIUM World Trade Fair is not just a platform for the entire aluminium industry, it is a place for the world and a place for everyone – which is why we also want to provide more support and visibility for women in the industry and thus created the 'Women With Metal – ALUMINIUM Awards' together with our partners," explains Yasmin Ouiriemmi, Product Manager of ALUMINIUM at the organizer RX.

Women are still underrepresented in many industries, including the metal and aluminium sector, and often experience less visibility, support, or recognition. Under the motto "Women can do aluminium, too," the ALUMINIUM Awards aim not only to honour women in the aluminium industry but also to encourage other women to join the industry and assert themselves confidently – a goal that the partners also pursue.

“Women With Metal is incredibly proud to be working with RX for The ALUMINIUM Awards in 2024 to celebrate women working within the aluminium sector and encourage more to join us. Aluminium is a sustainable and innovative material and increased diversity in the sector can only enhance this. With thirty-five years working within the metals sector, I know what a rewarding career this is and I am delighted to be able to shine a spotlight on some wonderful women and allies who are achieving great things. I am very excited to visit Dusseldorf and create the first Aluminium Edition of Women with Metal for The ALUMINIUM Awards”, states Kirsty Davies-Chinnock, CEO & Founder Women With Metal, Managing Director Professional Polishing Services.

Strong women for a strong industry 

However, these awards not only aim to recognise the achievements of women in the aluminium industry but also contribute to raising awareness about the skilled labour shortage and promoting innovative solutions. By encouraging women to establish themselves in the aluminium industry, the shortage of qualified professionals can be addressed, and the industry's competitiveness can be strengthened. The awards represent an important step towards a more diverse and inclusive workforce that considers not only the needs of the industry but also the potential and talents of all genders.

“The Awards are an exciting opportunity, presenting a continuation of sharing and development with other women and building on the important topics and issues concerning nearly 50% of the metals industry workforce today. It will also highlight the huge achievements being made in our sector, champion growth, amplify voices, and pave the way for a more inclusive and thriving professional landscape. Investing in and showcasing the advancement of women in aluminium isn't just a commitment to diversity; it's an investment in innovation, excellence, and the future of our industry. I can't wait to see the nominations and be part of such a game-changing event”, complements Nadine Bloxsome, Membership & Sustainability Manager, UK Aluminium Federation (ALFED) & Editor of Aluminium International Today.

Nominations are now open, offering a comprehensive selection of categories such as "Unsung Shero", "Role Model", "Sustainable & Innovative Leader", "Young Leader", and "Male Ally", highlighting the diverse aspects of women's contributions and engagement as well as their supporters in the aluminium industry. Both self-nominations and nominations by others are welcome, the closing date is June 15th, 2024. A selected jury of eight experts will then decide on all winners, including the recipient of the "Male Ally" Award. The ALUMINIUM event will take place from October 8th to 10th in Düsseldorf, with the awards ceremony scheduled for October 9th on the stage of the ALUMINIUM Conference in Hall 3.

© RX / Women With Metal

About the partners

Women With Metal

Women With Metal is dedicated to establishing and empowering women and allies in the metal industry, advocating for comprehensive support, recognition, and advancement of women in the field. The annual conference serves as a platform for exchange, knowledge transfer and empowerment, enabling women to advance their careers and gain the confidence needed to excel in the metal industry. Founded by Kirsty Davies-Chinnock, CEO of Professional Polishing Services Limited and Director of the British Stainless Steel Association, Women With Metal draws on her 35 years of experience in the industry to address its challenges and drive positive change.

UK Aluminium Federation ALFED

As the voice of the UK aluminium industry, ALFED represents companies involved in processing, trading, and working with aluminium, promoting innovation, supporting best practices, developing skills, and working to expand the market for aluminium products. As the representative, ALFED is dedicated to empowering its members comprehensively, whether through technical or advisory support, lobbying government, or providing networking opportunities.

Aluminium International Today

The magazine Aluminium International Today covers all topics related to the production and processing of aluminium. Its content includes global industry news, events, and statistics, technical articles, and reports. Aluminium International Today is published six times a year and primarily targets managers and CEOs within the aluminium industry. However, it is also widely read by members of research organizations, technical advisors, and business consultants.