ALUMINIUM Speakers Corner Sustainability & Recycling 2022

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Speakers Corner Sustainability & Recycling

Aluminium weist einige Eigenschaften auf, die hinsichtlich einer nachhaltigen Kreislaufwirtschaft enorm von Vorteil sind. Um diese Themen zu vertiefen und den Weg Richtung Zukunft aufzuzeigen, haben im Rahmen des „Innovation Plaza Sustainability & Recycling“ auf der ALUMINIUM 2022 drei Tage lang einige der besten Experten ihr Wissen mit den Besuchern der Messe geteilt. Exklusiver Partner dieser Speakers Corner ist die CRU Group. Das in London ansässige Business-Intelligence-Unternehmen bietet unter anderem tiefgreifende Analysen im Bereich Aluminium. Die Partnerschaft ist das Ergebnis einer langjährigen Beziehung und bietet den Teilnehmern der Weltleimesse einen unbeschreiblichen Mehrwert. 

1. Tag - 27. September 2022 

Opportunities and challenges of the energy transition, Security of supply, Are high prices here to stay?

Ross and Steve work collaboratively with their Team around the globe to track aluminium supply and demand, from primary products all the way to the consumer throughout the value chain. The war in Ukraine and the subsequent energy crisis in Europe fuels the inflationary headwinds that prevail across international markets. The unprecedented impact on primary aluminium supply and demand is driving short terms tactics and shaping long term strategies. Producers, consumers, and the financial institutions that follow aluminium products are anxious for 2023. CRU provides the current outlook.

Understanding scope 3, Green premia – how fast will the demand for low carbon aluminium grow?, Green finance – rewarding sustainability trailblazers, Tracking and understanding the supply chain emissions, Carbon prices and CBAM , Long term impacts of policy on international trade.

2. Tag - 28. September 2022

Collection and sorting technology – limitations and potential, The green transition – challenges and opportunities for recycling, Design for reuse

The conversation will focus on recycling and will include discussion on collection, technological developments, the automotive industry as well as general market related questions. Panellists will submit pre-questions and will shape the panel conversation accordingly.

At HAI, the focus is clearly on further reducing the carbon footprint of the products. Aluminium has become a flagship material in terms of sustainability, can be reused as many times as needed without compromising quality and with only 5% of the energy needed for initial production. HAI is working hard to further reduce energy consumption and make it as green as possible. When it comes to materials, we use an average of 80% recycled material at HAI. With our recycling strategy, we underline our responsible use of aluminium as a resource and do everything we can to make the European Grean Deal possible!

“Low-carbon primary aluminium and recycling, understanding the three key drivers: Legislation, consumer preferences and profitability”

In times of rising energy and material costs and in addition of worse accessibility of both the focus on metal chips should be made more intense. With a modern treatment and melting equipment of chips massive energy and so CO2 amounts could be saved and much more material could be regained.


Sorting of non-ferrous metals

REDWAVE develops new generation of XRF sorting machines.

REDWAVE, the forerunner and pioneer of X-ray fluorescence based XRF sorting machines, has developed the next generation for the metal recycling industry.

World leaders have committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030. Governments are progressively increasing green taxes and launching incentive schemes to encourage the shift towards climate neutrality. How do we see the future of aluminium recycling? To produce green aluminium we need fully digitalised and sensorised equipment to obtain total control over the plant’s emissions, while also ensuring efficiency in its operation. Equipment powered by clean energies such as green hydrogen and renewable electricity. The recycling of both salts and slag, the treatment of fumes and effluents, etc. are the way to reach zero waste plants.

Despite the unique toughness and exceptional nonwetting capability of reinforced calcium silicate materials, their inherent variability delivers inconsistent performance. By altering critical dimensions and incorporating a simple location component, the distortion of the component is altered to improve joint integrity, stress is reduced to extend service life, and the heat transfer mode is altered to improve casting performance.

This presentation will discuss both heat recovery and hydrogen fuels as decarbonization methods, with a focus on how each of these techniques can be implemented using regenerative burner technology. Recent data from laboratory testing of regenerative burners firing pure hydrogen will be presented and discussed, including the impact hydrogen fuels have on NOx emissions. The goal of this presentation is to aid the aluminum industry in achieving sustainability and decarbonization goals by providing an understanding of regenerative burners and the role they can play in reducing or even eliminating the CO2 emissions from combustion systems.

3. Tag - 29. September 2022

Creating biodiversity, Stakeholder relations, Water scarcity and the mining industry

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